Pregnancy, injury, standing or sitting too long, excess salt consumption, and wearing tight clothes can cause leg swelling. Swelling caused by such temporary conditions often subsides as soon as they clear, with no significant health worries. Nonetheless, Weston swollen legs could be due to an underlying health condition. The swelling is referred to as peripheral edema and may require professional attention to establish the underlying cause and mitigate potential risks. Here is a glance at some common health conditions associated with peripheral edema.
Venous insufficiency
Weak or damaged veins cause venous insufficiency. The veins can’t efficiently pump blood back to your heart, resulting in pooling, mainly in the lower leg region. This results in swelling which is initially soft and leaves a dent when touched. If untreated, you will notice the skin becomes more fibrous and thicker. Bleeding, ulcers, and life-threatening deep vein thrombosis can also develop when venous insufficiency goes untreated.
The lymphatic system transports lymph, which is protein-rich. A blocked lymphatic system results in fluid accumulation, leading to edema. Resulting swelling commonly appears on the legs and arms. Lymphedema can lead to complications, including sepsis and increased cancer risk. Lymphedema care can be as simple as physical exercise, manual lymph drainage, and compression bandage use.
Renal failure
Kidney/renal failure, also called chronic kidney disease, compromises the kidney’s function, which is the removal of fluids and waste products from the blood. This leads to excess fluid, resulting in edema. Besides peripheral edema, renal failure can also cause pulmonary edema, which is fluid buildup in the lungs and can be fatal. Unmanaged renal failure can also result in heart disease, anemia, and potassium level spikes that impact heart function and pose life-threatening concerns.
Cancer, especially pelvic tumors, can cause excessive pressure on the veins in your legs, resulting in peripheral edema. Besides the tumors, their treatment, like radiation therapy and chemotherapy, can also cause edema.
Liver damage caused by scarring puts extra pressure on veins, resulting in edema. Liver scarring can be due to concerns like alcohol abuse and hepatitis. Scarring occurs as the liver attempts to heal, leaving a scar that affects blood flow. Liver cirrhosis poses fatal complications like ascites, encephalopathy, and variceal bleeding.
Blood clot
Blood clots often result in sudden swelling and leg pain. A blood clot is a serious concern that demands prompt medical attention. Blood clot, also called deep vein thrombosis, is an emergency since the clots can loosen, travel in your bloodstream, and lodge in places like the lungs.
Heart failure
Heart failure is characterized by impaired ability to pump blood. When the right side is affected, blood pools in the lower legs, causing swelling. When heart failure impairs the left side, fluid accumulation in the lungs is the main complication.
Swollen legs may not seem like a serious health issue. Nonetheless, considering its association with severe conditions, as highlighted above, it is essential to seek medical attention. This is more so when accompanied by other symptoms or lasts long. Visit Soffer Health Institute today for swollen legs screening and treatment.